視覺訊息包含了視覺訊息包含了斑紋、顏色、大小與形狀。(Seddon et al., 2013)生物能藉由視覺訊息尋找配偶、種間互動、他種競爭、覓食與逃避天敵。(Shashar et al., 2005)而對魚來說,視覺訊息和嗅覺訊息是他們主要辨識同種不同種的方法。(Couldridge, 2002; Plenderleith et al., 2005)
Poecillia reticulata(photo:Badmantropacalfish) |
藍色阿卡拉鯛是孔雀魚在自然環境中的天敵之一,實驗中對兩隻體長相近的顏色不同的成年孔雀魚有明顯的視覺偏差(visual bias),導致顏色較鮮艷的孔雀魚與較不鮮豔的孔雀魚在攻擊次數上具有差異。(Godin and McDonough, 2003)
P. callainos (photo:Chris M) |
callainos, P. lombardoi, P. zebra “gold” and P.
zebra “red
雌性會選擇與自己雄性最相近表型的雄性慈鯛交配。(Albertson, et al, 1999; Couldridge, 2002)
P. callainos偏好與P. zebra “red dorsal”交配,都具有藍色的體色。
P. callainos偏好與P. zebra “red dorsal”交配,都具有藍色的體色。
P. lombardoi偏好與P. zebra “gold”交配,都具有黃橘色的體色。
Albertson, R.C. et al .1999. Phylogeny of a rapidly evolving clade: The cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi, East Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96(9): 5107-5110
J.-G.J. and H.E. McDonough. 2003. Predator preference for brightly colored males in the guppy: a viability cost for a sexually selected trait. Behavioral Ecology 14(2): 194-200
Albertson, R.C. et al .1999. Phylogeny of a rapidly evolving clade: The cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi, East Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96(9): 5107-5110
Couldridge, V.C.K. 2002. Color pattern and species recognition in fourclosely related species of Lake Malawi cichlid. Behavioral Ecology 13(1): 59-64
Plenderleith, M. et al. 2005. Female preference for conspecific males based on olfactory cues in a Lake Malawi cichlid fish. Biology Letters 1(4): 411-414
Seddon, N. et al. 2013. Sexual selection accelerates signal evolution during speciation in birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280:20131065
Shashar, N. et
al. 2005. Species recognition in the blackbordered damselfish Dascyllusmarginatus (Ruppell): an evaluation of computer-animated playback techniques.